
Art Start Challenge | Day 5

art start challenge | day 5

Day 5: Marbled Paper

art start challenge | day 5

art start challenge | day 5



  • Pre-cut paper to fit into your baking dish.
  • Fill the baking dish with shaving cream.
  • If your child is interested in helping, you could invite him or her to squeeze the shaving cream into the dish and spread it around.
  • Today’s project can get messy, so be sure to set this up on a covered table or take it outdoors if it’s not unbearable wet or cold.
  • Have extra paper handy to allow for plenty of painting experiments.
  • Set up a clean-up station ahead of time: bowl or bucket of water, clean towels to dry hands.

art start challenge | day 5

Young Children…

…will enjoy the sensory experience of playing with the shaving cream. After playing with the plain shaving cream for a bit, add a few drops of food coloring for them to mix around. This can be a fun color mixing activity.

Extend it!

Today’s extension suggestion shows you how to make marbled paper (craft), with a process-oriented twist:

  • Fill the tray with shaving cream
  • Smooth the shaving cream out into a semi-even layer with the fork
  • Squeeze drops of food coloring all over the shaving cream
  • Use the fork or toothpicks to gently move the shaving cream. We made horizontal lines and then crossed them with perpendicular horizontal lines.
  • Place a sheet of paper on top of the shaving cream and gently press it down so that most of the paper connects with the colored cream.
  • Let it set for about a minute and then use a butter knife to scrape the shaving cream away from the paper.
  • You are left with marbled paper!
  • Experiment with different colors and patterns.


Take a look at the marbled paper in these rare books and learn about the history of marbled paper and suminagashi.

Share it

Upload pictures of your art table, snap images of your Art Start creations, chat with new friends in the Facebook group, tag your photos on Instagram, and et the world know that you value open-ended art because it helps your child use creative thinking skills. Share what you’re working on this week on Instagram.This is also a great way to get friends and family involved and let them know what you’re up to!

Journal Reflection

To help support your growth, you can fill out a reflection at the end of each day of the challenge. When you’re done, we will email you your responses!