Soap making with kids

Soap Making with kids…

In preparation for Mother’s Day, we decided to make soap for the grandmas.

I wanted to use an organic soap base, but couldn’t find any on short notice. We chose two soap bases that they sell at Michael’s and Amazon.


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Shea Butter suspension soap base  (Amazon) or Shea Butter Soap (Michaels)


Soap Mold

Essential Oil

Embossing Soap Molds

Embossing Soap Stamps

Rubbing Alcohol (for spraying the molds)

homemade soap with kids

We broke the soap up into pieces and microwaved it for about a 1.5 minutes. Clear directions are on the box. This could also be heated in a double broiler.

homemade soap with kids

Once melted, we added a few drops of Lavender oil and oatmeal, and mixed it up.

homemade soap with kids

To keep bubbles out of the soap, N prepared the molds by spraying them with rubbing alcohol. She loved this step. Adult supervision with rubbing alcohol is obviously recommended!

homemade soap with kids

We poured a little bit of soap into each mold and then placed embossing soap stamps on top of the soap. This keeps the stamps from sliding around.

I then poured the soap mixture on top.

Note: In subsequent batches I didn’t bother “gluing” the stamps down, which improved the appearance of the soap.

homemade soap with kids

Waiting for the homemade soap to cool is the hardest part!

However, to keep our spirits high, this was a good time for lunch. What did we eat?

Oatmeal, of course!

homemade soap with kids

Aren’t they pretty?! The two cupcake-looking soaps you can see way back there came out of Silicone Cupcake Molds.

What to Avoid!

In case you’re like me and think, “hmmm, why bother buying that soap base when I can just get some soap and melt it down and make a new bar of soap?”

Here’s what happens…

homemade soap with kids

I thought that I could take a bar of vegetable glycerin soap from Whole Foods and give it the same treatment. This is what happened when I put it in the microwave. Eeek!

I should have known better since I’m familiar with the Microwave-Ivory-Soap-Experiement, which is something to try on another day. It puffed the soap up into a stiff cloud…pretty to look at but completely useless for soap-making.

homemade soap with kids

Then it was time to wrap them up.

We made our own wrapping paper. Check out Handmade Wrapping Paper with Kids for a quick tutorial on how to set this child-friendly activity up.

homemade soap with kids

Good real-world practice with tape cutting, folding, and wrapping.

homemade soap with kids

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful, nurturing, intelligent, kind, selfless, and inspiring moms!! Moms are amazing!


  1. Oh, that ivory soap experiment is fun, isn’t it? We had one of my sons’ birthday parties at a local science center last year and that’s one of the things they did. You’re so good to make special grandmother gifts. I swear, mothers of young children do the most work of anyone for Mother’s Day, and it’s a totally unfair system.

    • Ha! Yes, I can imagine it will get easier once the kids can make their own projects happen from start to finish. Happy Mother’s Day!

    • It was fun, and totally held N’s attention because she gets so invested in figuring out how things work.

    • If only there were time to do it all…

  2. these are just so lovely and yummy!!! THANK YOU for giving them to us yesterday – what a treat! the rainbow wrapping is so so so pretty that i hardly want to peek inside, but now seeing how beautiful those bars look in the picture, i want to! beautifully made. i am loving your photography on this entry, rachelle (as with every entry you post!)

    • thanks jen! and we loved spending time with you girls, of course.

  3. Awesome project! I feel like I missed something in regards to the rubber-stamp impression. How did you do that in the bottom of a plastic mold?

    • I just updated the post with a photo of this step. Thanks for asking!! And happy mother’s day.

  4. WOW! I love it and you make this look waaay too easy! haha!!!

    I’ve given you an award today! Head on over to my blog to pick it up!

  5. That’s amazing! I love the ingredients that you added. I have no idea where I would source those soap bases you speak of but I will do some googling! i love that you wrapped them in homemade paper too. Please tell me that (1). you are giving them wrapped in the lop-sided wrapping she did and (2). that you kept some for yourself?? Hope so!

    • Thanks Anna!!! So exciting 🙂

  6. What a fun and adorable project! Rachelle you never cease to amaze!! Looking forward to trying this out 🙂 I hope you have a lovely mothers day and thank you for inspiring me (and I’m sure a lot of other mums around the world) to spend more time nurturing our kids creativity.

  7. You look like you’re having so much fun 🙂 And a wonderful finished product I must say with the wrapping!

  8. Bllack mold may also be considered the most toxic off shapes.

    It not ust kills the mold and mildew bbut additionally prevent them returning.
    Keep unique guard when dealing with algae; it is acutely slippery when wet.

  9. How long did you wait for the soap to set?

  10. Really very good blog you should definitely check the ethix products soaps best and quality here!

  11. It is a beautiful article stating about the soap making experiments.In order to get better information and guidance can be taken from this blog specifically. It plays a vital role in taking us through. It can be really great for people like me who are looking for grabbing more knowledge about.

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