drawing prompt | design your own characters

If you’re looking for a fun drawing prompt that encourages imaginative thinking for preschoolers and older, this drawing prompt is for you!

My four-year old was enthralled by this activity so we crafted a downloadable PDF if you’d like to try it, too.

Soon after completing these prompts she invented her own prompts for her dad to work on.

Fun Drawing Prompt Printable: Design your own character

Character Drawing Prompt Directions

Set up a sheet of paper with basic animal or people parts, and then invite your child to fill in the missing parts of the bodies with their own ideas. So, for example, draw bunny ears and a tail, and leave the rest of the image blank. I’ll share some ideas in the photos below.

See This Drawing Prompt in Action:

Fun Drawing Prompt Printable: Design your own character

Tips for the Character Drawing Prompt

You can easily make your own sheet of drawing prompts, but if you’d like some that are ready to go, with instructions and ideas to further this exercise in creativity, I created a downloadable PDF for you.

You can print it right away, as many times as you like, and have a creative drawing session in just a few moments. Fill out the form below and I’ll send it to you now 🙂
