
Art and Science Activities, by Developmental Age

If you’re looking for an activity for a baby, toddler, preschooler, or elementary age child, this basic directory will help you find what you’re looking for.

Keep in mind that there is a lot of overlap amongst these categories. The ages guidelines are merely to suggest a rough estimate of developmental relevance. You know your child best, and may find that activities from a different category suit him or her best.


For ages 4 months – 18 months. Find all of our sensory, art, and experiential activities for babies here.

Baby sensory activities


For ages 18 months to 2.5 years. Find all of our art, science, and sensory experiences for toddlers here.

clean painting toddlers preschoolers


For ages 2.5 years – 5 years. Find all of our science, art, tinkering, and engineering activities here.



Ages 5 years to 12 years. Find all of our art, craft, science, tinkering, and maker activities here.

painting on sketchbook


  1. Hello! I am a mother of two young kids. We’re a boisterous, creative family. I devour books on the subject of crafting with kids. Tinkerlab is by far my favorite book on the subject. I feel inspired and like I am capable of inviting my children to participate in nearly every activity outlined in Rachelle’s book. What a great feeling…it’s exciting! I borrowed a copy from my library but today I have purchased two copies. One for myself, and one for a friend as a gift at her baby shower. If a parent applies the principles outlined in ‘Tinkerlab’ not only will that parent help foster creativity and connection, but he/she will also be teaching the principles for a happy and healthy life. It is never too early to learn and share those life lessons. Thank you for giving of yourself in creating this book Rachelle and for adding a gem to our family library.

  2. wow! its great activities you know many youngster busy with their mobiles even children also they needs mobiles to play games etc.. but if they do this like of activities which you mention above it would be great..

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