Category Organization

Glowing Playdough Recipe

glowing playdough recipe

Today I’m joined by Tinkerlab contributor Natasha Levochkina McCain, who shares a glowing playdough recipe with us today. This is one of the coolest ways to update play dough, and I think you’ll get a kick out of it. We sure…

Evolution of the Art Table

evolution of the art table

Over the course of a week, our art table gets worked pretty hard.  Yours too? My kids begin almost every morning with some kind of making that may involve markers, colored pencils, tape, glue, or paint. And then there’s the…

Organize Your Art Station

Is your furniture constantly moving around your house, or are you the kind of person who finds the right place for something and it rarely moves? Me, I’m a mover. My furniture may as well have wheels underneath it thanks…