Coming Soon: Flower Creative Challenge

creative challenge flowers

If you’re not already surveying your garden, market, or neighborhood for good flower picking, now is the time to put flowers on the brain for the next creative challenge. 

Every two months I host a Creative Challenge for kids with the introduction of a material and an invitation for children to create with. The objective of these challenges is to enable children to explore a material’s potential, build creative confidence, and envision new purposes for common objects…. skills that are at the heart of innovation.

If you’re interested in joining one of the next challenge, the opening date is Monday, June 4 and the material will be FLOWERS.

Your projects should be child-directed, but grown-ups are welcome to join in the fun if the mood strikes! Please look at past challenges to get a feel for what’s expected.

Share your Documentation or Post

If you’re a blogger and you’d like to join share a link to a post of your kid/s in action, set your post to go live on June 4 and add it to the link party that will show up here on that day.

If you’re not a blogger, you can upload a photo of your Flower Creative Challenge to my Facebook wall or tag @tinkerlab on Instagram with #flowerchallenge

Hope to see you then!