Creative Snapshot | Sorting Wool

Do you follow Amanda Blake Soule’s blog, SouleMama? Her blog is one of the first I ever laid eyes on. I’ll save that story for another time (it’s a good one), but I mention Amanda’s blog today because she has a cool weekly (every Friday) ritual called This Moment. For these posts, she shares one photo (usually no words) that captures something special about her week. It’s lovely.

About a year ago, my friend Elizabeth suggested, in the nicest, most diplomatic way possible, that I share more “quick posts.” Less talk and a fast something to say, “hey, I’m alive, and here’s what’s rocking my world.” She loves the blog Girl’s Gone Child, and suggested that I try writing some simple posts like this.

Creative Snapshot

I haven’t really found the right way to do this, but today I’ll give it a quick try. With a hat tip to SouleMama, Girl’s Gone Child, and my friend Elizabeth, I’ll give this a go with a weekly Creative Snapshot of some creative happening or observation. If this seems like a total fail, you may never see me do this again, but man, with my busy life it’s a major relief to keep this short and sweet.

If this post inspires you, feel free to share your own Creative Snapshot here (link to it in the comments) or on Instagram (hashtag #creativesnapshot)

Sorting Wool

Sorting Wool Kids

Last week we dove into This Book was a Tree, the new book by Marcie Cuff, and started a felted wool project. This image was taken just after the wool came out of the dryer, and before we upcycled it into felted flower barrettes.


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