Creative Table Inspiration from Instagram

How was your weekend? We had some great quality time with family and melted in the sun at the UCLA v. Stanford football game. Creative Table | Tinkerlab

Now that the weekend is over, I thought it would be fun to begin our week with some Creative Table inspiration. If you’re new to this series, this is a great place to start.

If you head over to Instagram and search the hashtag #creativetable, you’ll find all sorts of inspiring creative invitations and projects brewing. It’s sort of like Pinterest, but with real people, making real things. If you’re looking for some hands-on ideas, spend some time lurking through the Creative Table images and you’ll be hooked. If you’re not on Instagram, you can click here to see the most recent photos tagged with #creativetable.

Today we’re sharing four of our favorite Creative Tables from this week.

First up, The Chocolate Muffin Tree shares this Halloween prompt is for high school students, but children of all ages would have fun with this (and adults too!). All you need are some mini pumpkins, acrylic paint, glue, and treasures.

Inviation to decorate pumpkins Chocolate Muffin Tree :: #creativetable on Instagram

Debs from Learn with Play at Home is a former school teacher, now mom to two kids. She shares a simple creative invitation to draw with chalk on wet black paper.

Creative Table Invitation from Learn with Play at Home

Katey from Playing and Learning Begins at Home shares this fun (and potentially messy — notice the outdoor setting) provocation to paint with balloons.

Painting on Balloons because we can #creativetable via Playing and Learning Begins at Home

Meri Cherry of the blog, MeriChery, is a mom and an art teacher, and shares these hand-mixed paints — that are both mixed and NAMED by 3 and 4 year olds.

Making paint with 3 and 4 year olds :: CreativeTable

How to play

If you’d like to be included in our next Creative Table post, jump in on the action on Instagram and tag your image with both #creativetable and @tinkerlab.

A question for you

We’re just beginning to put together a series of FREE creative table prompts. Is this something that you would be interested in?


    • Of course! Seeing all those jars of kid-made paint, with the labels of how they named them, made my heart swell.

    • Yay, Sheau!! Are you in for the free prompts or for the Instagram #creativetable party? xx

  1. Both! I have been putting things out for kids on the art table just haven’t managed to document. Free prompts always welcome!

  2. I’d love a Creative Table prompt series…that sounds really fun!

  3. just realized I can’t use Instagram since I don’t have Iphone yet!

    • Awesome, Emma! I’m so glad to hear that there’s an interest. xo

  4. Definitely, this is such an awesome idea 🙂 I definitely follow your blog, you have some of the most easy-to-follow instructions for us (non-arty) parents 🙂
    Thank you for all the hard work you put in.

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