Downloadable Chore Chart

Could you use a little extra boost to encourage your child to help out around the house?

I needed this, which is why I designed this chore chart.

My kids have had casual chores for a while and this is how it would always go: When I needed help setting the table, folding laundry, or sweeping floors, I’d ask them to pitch in. And most of them time they would willingly help. But sometimes these requests were met with cranky attitudes and maybe even a whiny, “Mooooom, I’m busy, do I haaaave to?” Right. Are you familiar with this?

On top of that, I was starting to sense an air of entitlement. So I started researching the importance of chores for kids and found that kids who actively participate in chores are more empathetic, have better relationships with family and friend, and have higher self-esteem to name a few. Read Why Chores are Good for Kids for more on the benefits of chores.

To make it stop and bring more sanity to my life and theirs, I worked out a chore chart that’s now magnetized to our fridge. We print it out weekly, the kids write their names at the top, and we fill in the chores for the week. These usually stay the same, but there’s flexibility to delete those that aren’t working out and add jobs that need tackling.

Downloadable Chore Chart

If you’d like to download our fill-in-the-chore chart plus chore ideas for kids ages 3-18, you can download it here. And please let me know how this works for you!

Read more about Chores for Kids

Why Chores are Good for Kids

Chore Ideas for Kids