I thought I’d wrap Egg Week up with a favorite egg project from last year: Decorating Eggs with Natural Dyes.
In case you’re just popping in, my friend Melissa over at The Chocolate Muffin Tree and I are posting unique egg-related activities or experiments each day this week, and here’s what we’ve covered so far:
- Bleeding Tissue Easter Eggs
- Walking on Raw Eggs
- The Transparent and Bouncy Egg Experiment
- Make Your Own Egg Tempera Paint
- Naturally Decorated Marbled Eggs
- Three Easy Tricks for Blown-out Eggs
- Hot Easter Eggs Decorated with Crayons
- Experiment: Egg Geodes
There are so many fun commercial egg-dying products to choose from, and I love a box that promises technicolor tie-dye with coated glitter. My 3-year-old and I just tore through one of these and she had a great time with it. And did I mention that we’ve been eating eggs with all our meals this week? Small price to pay for some Egg Week fun.
If you have a little bit of time and an interest in introducing the magic of natural dyes to your child, this project is well worth your effort.
Click over here to find out what vegetable gave us this brilliant blue color!

And then check out The Chocolate Muffin Tree to see how she and her daughter made naturally dyed marbled eggs. They’re beautiful, and the process will become one of your favorites, I’m sure.
So, although this marks the end of a very fun week of all-things-eggs, it’s not quite over yet…
I asked my creative and playful blog friends to share their own egg-related ideas and projects with me, and I’ve been overwhelmed with the response. I was planning to share them with you today, but there are so many ideas that I need a little time to pull it all together.
So, be sure to check back next week for one more day of eggs.
Until then, Happy Spring!