
Most Awesome Local Blog!

We recently visited one of our favorite Bay Area kid spots, the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito, and stayed until the kids could play no more. If you’re local, or just might visit San Francisco with young kids, definitely bookmark this as a destination. most awesome local blog!

There are views of the Golden Gate bridge, wonderful nature-based exhibits, and when you walk in you’re greeted by this sign…

most awesome local blog! It pretty much sums up why I love this place so much. And it turns out that I’m not alone. Hundreds, if not thousands, of other people agree, as the Bay Area Discovery Museum was just named the Most Awesome Museum by Red Tricycle readers.

most awesome local blog!And you know what else? I nearly tripped over our sandbox when I learned that TinkerLab also won its category: Most Awesome Local Blog!  I was nominated with some other terrific blogs, and could only half believe the news. I’m already a huge fan of Red Tricycle, a free email newsletter of amazing things to do around town, so of course this made me drool with delight.  If you happen to live in the cities they serve: SF, Seattle, Portland, L.A., or San Diego, do check them out!  One last thing, two of my favorite blogs in Seattle and Los Angeles also won — Teacher Tom and The Twin Coach. Oh my!

most awesome local blog!

Okay, so back to the Most Awesome Museum: We were so busy playing in the toddler zone and outside that we only had time for a photo drive-by of the art studio. I always love to see what they’re up to in there, and on this trip they had open-ended exploration of paper and tape. Families were invited to add their creations to the growing paper chains that dangled from the ceilings. I could totally imagine a version of this in my home!

most awesome local blog!

On the way out of the Museum I spotted these plastic-bodied butterflies that were screwed right to the wall. Wouldn’t these look cool in my backyard?

So thank you, Bay Area Discovery Museum for another fun day, and to each of you who voted for TinkerLab and shared this blog with your friends. Not only is it an honor, but I’m also thrilled to consider that our creativity boosters may enter the consciousnesses of more parents, teachers, and caregivers.

If you have a favorite museum, I’d love to hear about it. Please feel free to share a name or link in the comments.


  1. Congratulations!! One of my favorites is the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA. I’m also really happy with what the RI School of Design Art Museum is doing to encourage youth & family to feel welcome and engaged.

    • Thanks, Amy. I really need to get to the Eric Carle Museum on our next trip to the East Coast. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the RISD Art Museum, and it’s great to hear that they’re walking the talk!!

  2. Congratulations! You are pretty awesome and so is the blog 🙂 Can’t wait to check out the new museum (as soon as the kids’ sniffles are gone!)

    • Thank you, Outlaw Mom!! Hope you’re all feeling better soon. Get those colds out of the way and enjoy the season 🙂

    • aren’t they cool? i have to figure out how to make our own version.

    • It’s another one of my faves. My 3 year old begs to visit the Explor-i-torium all the time. Sensory overload at its finest!

  3. Congratulations Rachelle!!! Winning is fun! Enjoy your ride on the red tricycle.

    • Thanks, so far it’s a smooth ride 🙂 xxoo

  4. well done. you really deserve the accolade- your blog is always full of inspired ideas to do and be!

    • thanks so much, sharyn! you’re so kind.

    • thank you, friend! Yay for COS — we’ll add it to our list of places to visit.

  5. We are headed to the Discovery Museum tomorrow. Love it! Congratulations on the Red Tricycle award.

    • lucky you, anne. i hope you had a fun day (but of course you did!). and thanks so much.

  6. you are such a rockstar, rachelle!!! a local celeb! i still can’t wait to go to the museum – it looks amazing! great work all around!

    • thanks so much, fellow rockstar 🙂

  7. Congrats!!! You deserve it! I have a question for you about the San Francisco area and getting a Masters in Art therapy. I live in NJ and currently teach art therapy to elderly DD with just a BA in Art Education. I’d like to be able to obtain my MA somewhere beautiful and where there is a strong arts community. I’ve never been to California and being I follow your blog daily, you are the only person I could think of to ask that would have personal experience and information on schools or job opportunities. If you don’t have time for a response I understand. Your blog is the best and has helped me in my classroom immensely! Thank you and congrats again!


    • Hi Mallory! I love this area — it is in fact beautiful, but I don’t know too much about the programs in this area in art therapy. I have a few thoughts for you, though, and I’ll be in touch off line. Cheers!

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