String | Creative Challenge for Kids

Welcome to our 11th Creative Challenge for Kids! The key supply for this challenge is string: children are invited to make, build, experiment with, and tinker with string.

While adults are welcome to facilitate and play along, the process and results are up to the child.

Creative Challenge for Kids | String  |

Welcome to everyone who is joining our Creative Challenge this month!

What is the Creative Challenge for Kids Project?

These bi-monthly challenges invite kids to create, make, and invent whatever they can imagine using a common material as inspiration. While Creative Challenge projects should be child-driven, adults are welcome to join the fun as helpful side-kicks.

The objective of these challenges is to encourage children to explore a material’s potential, build creative confidence, act like inventors, and envision new purposes for common objects…. skills that are at the heart of innovation.

Who is this for?

This challenge is open to anyone who wants to play! While we invite bloggers and anyone with access to a photo-sharing site to share a link to their entry, you don’t have to be a blogger to join us. If you want to run this challenge in your home or school, the entries shared at the bottom of this post might serve as inspiration to you.

Grab a Button

TinkerLab Creative ChallengeIf you’d like to add a Creative Challenge button to your post or sidebar, simply drag this image to your desktop and place it anywhere on your site. tiktok likes hack no human verification If you want to connect it back to our site, you could link it to this page: This 200 x 200 pixel button should show up as you see it here.

Share your Challenge Entry

Once you’ve read all the rules and details (these are for the last challenge — eggs — same general rules apply), you can enter a link to your project here. This challenge will run from June 1 – June 30, 2014. Of course, you can still run this experiment after this window closes, but we won’t be able to accept further entries after June 30. After you link up your post, we’d like to encourage you to be a supportive participant by popping around to a few of the other posts to leave some comments. Tag your image with #creativekidschallenge

Okay, I’m in! What do I need to do?

  1. Gather your materials
  2. Talk to your child about his or her plan
  3. The project should be child-led, although adults are quite welcome to join in
  4. Run the project
  5. Document it
  6. Share it between June 1 and June 30, 2014. We’ll post a Linky below.
  7. If you have a blog, grab a button and share it in your post!

Process Trumps Product

Keep in mind that these posts might not show super-glossy Pinterest-worthy projects because they celebrate the process of working through personal ideas more than the end result. These projects are sure to be packed with meaning and intent, in some instances more than perfection. I wish I could personally congratulate each participating child for devising their own plan and executing on it. Bravo!

Next Creative Challenge

We’ll see you in August for Creative Challenge #12. The material is TBD. Please leave a comment on this post with your suggestion for the next material. To see all the past materials, click here.

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