The Artful Parent

I had a fun exchange with Jean Van’t Hul on The Artful Parent today. If you haven’t seen Jean’s site before, it’s high time to check it out! She’s also a mom of two girls, and chronicles her artistic adventures with her children. Her projects are process-based and she has a keen sense for instilling her children’s learning experiences with joy and imagination. Not to be missed!


  1. Hi Rachelle, I’m the Amy over at Artful Parent who mentioned the Harvard program in my comment. I can’t find another way to contact you, but you have my email now. 😉 I’m sort of in the Boston area… I noticed RISD has a similar program (they’re closer). I just never knew such a program existed. I had a fun time browsing websites until I got to the tuition costs page!

    • Hi Amy~ I’ll send you an email so we can chat offline. ~R

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