The Snowball Maker and other Amazing Gadgets for Winter Fun

I love this snowball maker! The amazing snowball maker and other gadgets for winter fun.

This weekend we went to the snow and had a great time building a snowman (snow person — what do you call it?), sledding, and drinking cocoa by the fire. We even got all geared up to ski, made it to the lodge for more cocoa, and were sent right back down the mountain because the winds made it too dangerous to safely leave the mountain later in the day. Thankfully my kids were zen with this, we still enjoyed an amazing view from the gondola (I shared this picture on Instagram – the view is stunning!), and sat around the fire where we played card games and made the best out of it.

While we were in the snow, which is a real novelty for us valley-based Californians, my eyes were opened to a whole new world of snow toys and snowball making inventions that you will love if you’re not already initiated.

First up: The Snowball Maker

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Snowball Maker

So, you know how mittens can soak through after making too many snowballs? And the problem with making snowballs that are too hard, and can whack someone in the head? This toy is a solution to these snowball follies!

They are such a great deal and a ridiculously fun toy, that I’m making this the featured maker supply. You can see the last featured supply here. You can easily find these in toy stores, shops like Walmart, hardware stores, and grocery stores in snowy places. And they also sell them on Amazon for around $5-$10 (price fluctuates).

snowball maker invention


snowball maker

Snowman Kit

When it comes to snowmen, snowdogs, snowcats, and snowpeople, my kids like to forage for rocks and sticks, found objects, and pinecones to make it all come together. However, for a readymade snowman experience, there is a snowman kit (around $10) that includes all the pieces you’ll need, including a hat you can stake down that won’t fly away.

Kid made snowman

Make a snowman kit


Snow Block Mold

Make your own igloos and forts with this easy to use snow block mold. (around $6) If you have a few snowball makers (above), you might need a few of these to build forts and and protect yourselves during a snowball fight. All in good, wintery fun, of course.

Great for all seasons of snow and sand play: a Snow block mold, that can also be a sand block mold.



We saw people with these and thought they were using dog ball throwers, but it turns out that these are a snow product called Snowflings (around $9), and they’re designed to help kids (and grownups) throw snowballs far. This one gets great reviews and I like how the reviewers describe that it makes snowball fights more fair for those with worse aim trouble launching snowballs great distances. It seems these would be great for kid vs. grownup snowball fights.

Snowfling - amazing contraption for tossing snowballs

That’s all for now. Although it’s raining, pouring, dumping, I’m happy to be back home and look forward to our next snow adventure.

Until next time, Rachelle

Dotted Line

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