Art Tips and Tricks: Paint Brush Deal

This is the first of a new TinkerLab Video series called Art Tips and Tricks. In this episode I share my favorite deal for detailed paintbrushes – you won’t believe how inexpensive these are and what they were originally intended for!

Art Tips and Tricks: Amazing Deal for Detail Paintbrushes (plus, the source of these brushes may surprise you)

Art Tips and Tricks

I’ve been sharing art tips and tricks on my blog for some time, such as 24 Ideas for Cleaning up Art Messes with Children and How to Recycle Boxes into Art Panels. After a bit of brainstorming, I thought it would be fun to turn these art tips and tricks into a new video series.

You might know that I’m messing around with video. It’s been an enormous leap into the unknown, with an even bigger learning curve, but I’m having fun with it.

And isn’t having fun the point?

If you haven’t already subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can follow me here where you’ll get at least one new, inspiring video each week.

Paint Brushes from a Surprising Source

Grab this DEAL on Amazon (affiliate) here.
*Note, at the time of filming, these brushes are $3.78, which includes free shipping. These brushes ship from China and may take a week or longer to arrive.


7 Tips for Setting up an Impromptu Garden Art Studio

Art Tips: The Bits and Pieces Box

Art Tips: What to do with Leftover Paper Scraps

Tips on How to Clean Up After a Creative Session with Kids

Catch the next Episode

Check back next week for the next episode in the Art Tips and Tricks series: How to Store Tempera Paint

Art Tips and Tricks: How to Store Tempera Paint to Save Paint