ArtStart: Tape, Poster Paint, and Leaves

artstart: tape, poster paint, and leaves

The air is getting super crisp here in NorCal. We’re bundling up, sipping tea, and enjoying the drama changing leaves, which is a certain kind of excitement I rarely experienced as a kid in Los Angeles. To get into the season, we’re sharing a favorite invitation to create, using leaves as the source of inspiration.

If you’re new to this, an invitation to create is a thoughtfully arranged provocation to make something from a set up of provided materials. One person sets up an inviting selection of materials, and another person makes something from these supplies.

The materials and the set up act as the main source of inspiration and the creation process could evolve into a number of different outcomes. There’s no right or wrong way about it. While the person who sets the supplies up may have an idea about how the other person will use the materials, the final outcome is totally unpredictable and creative.

Here at TinkerLab, we call these ArtStarters!

paint leaves kids artstart

ArtStart: Tape, Poster Paint, and Leaves

This creative set up shows kids think outside the box while using materials other than paper as painting surfaces and helps connect children with nature.


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artstart: tape, poster paint, and leaves

The first thing you’ll want to do is go on a walk to collect leaves. Fresh leaves are best for this project because tape has a hard time sticking to dried leaves.

artstart: tape, poster paint, and leaves

Next, set up a selection of tape and scissors and invite your child to add tape to the leaves. It’s always more fun when we get to play, so you you can join in, too! Why should kids have all the fun?

artstart: tape, poster paint, and leavesThen, set up paint brushes, a water jar, and an ice cube tray filled with poster paint. Invite your child to paint.


artstart: tape, poster paint, and leaves

Have fun painting. Mix colors together, make patterns, blend paint. There’s no wrong way about it.

artstart: tape, poster paint, and leaves

When the paint is dry, you can add these leaves to your table, weave them into a centerpiece, or hang them on the wall.


  1. […] Here are ten engaging Painting Provocations that you can try today. Look over these projects with your child or students in mind. What are they interested in and asking questions about? If the weather is warm and you’re talking about temperature, you might enjoy Frozen Chalk Paint. If leaves are falling in your area, you might like to try ArtStart with Paint, Tape, and Leaves. […]

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  16. Very attractive and realistic for me and because your art have some different touch for every person.This is a reason I love your art.lisa

  17. Are these the original leaves of the trees or have you painted it by making paper leaves? I like your art…

    • They’re original leaves, and thank you!

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