Best Craft for Kids Blog

best craft for kids blog
Hi friends!

Gosh it’s fun to share fun news and I’m excited to let you know that we’re nominated for Best Craft for Kids Blog over at Parents Magazine. Seriously. I’m in there with some lovely blogs (and even voted for some of my favorites) so I’m not under the illusion that I’m going to win or anything, but you know, it would be nice if I did. Or at least got into, say, the top three. Anyhoo, if you click on the Parents Best button it’ll take you over to their site and you can vote for TinkerLab (and anyone else you like while you’re there). You may have to register to vote, but please don’t let that stop you. If you’ve ever come away from my site inspired, I’d love your support.

Oh, and in case you’d like to share this on Facebook or Twitter, the answer is “yes.”



  1. Congratulations on your deserved recognition! I have recommended your blog many times, so I will cast an enthusiastic vote.

    • Thanks Chris! I really appreciate the support.

  2. Will do. I’ve often come away from your blog inspired!!

    • Thank you, Jane. I’m so happy to hear this 🙂

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