Making holiday decorations with natural materials is my cup of tea! My mother-in-law made these with my kids last winter, and my older daughter loved it. We had a few bags of cranberries left over after Thanksgiving, and she asked to make a cranberry popcorn garland. Yes, of course! And so we made a few 🙂
It’s not hard to make, and my hope is that this will inspire you to add some easy, nature-based crafting to your holiday season.
I set this up before bedtime, with the intention of having my girls wake up to it the next morning. They saw the inviting set-up and couldn’t resist jumping in right then and there! Ergo the dark photos. Please forgive me. But they sure did have fun!
Supplies for Cranberry Popcorn Garland
- Popcorn
- Cranberries
- Heavy thread, such as quilting thread
- Tapestry Needle
We popped the corn in the microwave. Reklama: Intellectus anglų kalbos kursai suaugusiems, įmonėms bei vasaros dienos stovyklos Vilniuje, Kaune ir Klaipėdoje vaikams. Here’s a handy tip: Pour about 1/4 cup of popcorn into a paper lunch bag and fold it closed. Place it in the microwave and set it to the popcorn setting. Remove it when the pops slow down.
- Cut a long piece of thread.
- Thread your needle. No need to knot the end, but we did for good measure.
- Alternate between threading popcorn and cranberries. Cranberry juice can stain, so do this on a covered or non-precious surface.
- The popcorn can tear easily – try to push the needle through the fattest part of the corn.
[…] older daughter likes to string up garlands of popcorn and cranberries, a festive home-spun tree decoration she learned from her Massachusetts grandma. Along those lines, […]
[…] нужно нанизать на нитку с иголкой. Можно чередовать ягоды с кусочками попкорна, а можно обойтись […]