Family-friendly Creative New Year’s Resolutions

Do you make resolutions? I’m one of those people who enjoys this process. Could you use some creative new year’s resolutions to kick start your year?

Creative New Year Resolutions 2013

There’s something about fresh start that are so appealing to me. I usually begin the new year with a new journal (ah, all those empty pages that promise to reward me with new ideas and brilliant designs), sit down for a quiet hour, and jot down some ideas on how to make some clean starts in the new year.

Creative New Year's resolutionsLast year I shared this post, 5 Creative Resolutions for the New Year. My most favorite idea of the five, and the one that readers keep telling me they love, is to take mystery trips. Check it out and come back, I’ll wait 🙂

This year I thought it would be fun to take a trip around the internet to bring you some family-friendly resolutions that are sure to make this a good year.

Family-friendly Creative New Year’s Resolutions.

1. Project Organize Your Entire Life

Project Organize Your Entire LifeI began 2011 with the challenge of purging one thing every day. And it made such a huge difference in my happiness.

Stephanie at Modern Parents Messy Kids (MPMK) just launched her first ebook, Project Organize Your Entire Life (POYEL). She’s a regular writer for The Organized Parent, has grown her blog into an internet sensation in a short period of time, and the lessons she teaches are real and practical.

Stephanie says this about the book, “No unattainable goals, only real-life expectations.  If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that simplifying and organizing is a journey, not a destination.  So we’ve set up our quick start guide accordingly.  By offering lots of different strategies for tackling a problem, we’re arming you with the tools you need to be successful when life changes on you.”

You can order your copy of this totally helpful, quick-to-read 50 page book here. Note: I’m an affiliate for this book, but I only share links to things I love or think you’ll find useful.

2. Take a picture a day

Join Zina and Tiffany of Peas and Carrots Studio who host a daily photo-taking project called Project 365. It’s a lot of fun and very easy to join. From the site: “Project 365 is the commitment to take a single photo every day for a full year. It is one of many avenues we will explore here at Peas and Carrots. Many people start their project on a major holiday like New Years Day, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, but you can begin on any date. It is a wonderful way to improve your photography skills, get to know a friend, or document ordinary family moments. Will you join us in 2013? Find the support of over 900 people capturing the “gift of an ordinary day.”

3. Bond with a child through reading

This is a simple one, and maybe something you already do on a regular basis. Reading with a child not only helps build vocabulary, imagination, and an understanding of good storytelling, but it’s a chance for parents and children to grow closer. Experienced mom, Dawn Lantero, says, “the time I spent reading with my children resulted in some of the happiest moments of motherhood.” Read more about her story here.

4. Replace one meal a day with a Green Smoothie

Simple Green Smoothie Challenge

No matter how hard I try, I cannot get my kids to regularly eat green vegetables. I started following Simple Green Smoothie’s inspiring photos on Instagram, and for the past month or so we’ve been starting each day with a blended scoop of spinach or kale. My kids love them, and I can feel good about what they eat for the rest of the day.

In the month of January, they’re starting a Green Smoothie challenge to kick off the new year. Here’s the skinny scoop: Replace at least one meal a day with a nutrient packed green smoothie. You’ll find recipes, tips and challenges along the way, it’s free, and a great way to change your diet. You can sign-up for the challenge here:

5. Savor your child’s childhood

Alissa at Creative with Kids says that “small habits make the biggest difference for enjoying parenting,” and will share one habit for happy families each month in 2013. Hop over to her blog, sign up for her free newsletter, and you can take this journey with her: I will savor their childhood.

6. What would you add?

I’d love to hear your ideas for connecting with family, getting healthy, building creativity into your life…or anything else!

Happy New Year, Friends!!


  1. Rachelle, I love this list! I’ve been thinking about trying the smoothie breakfast idea for a while… excited to learn about the 30-day challenge!

    I wrote a “resolutions” post of sorts over at my blog, too, about what I want “more of / less of” for ourselves and our country/world in 2013. Here’s the link in case anyone wants to join in the conversation there, too!

    Happy New Year!

  2. AM I seeing things or did you have post about Resolutions with Green Smoothies? (I must be dreaming about reading your posts?) We’ve been drinking green smoothies all throughout the holiday season to balance all the treats we’ve been eating. Spinach + bananas + frozen fruit + chia seeds + juice + kale sometimes….Good stuff! Happy 2013 friend!

  3. Happy 2013! This is such a great way to welcome the new year. I have just signed up for green smoothie challenge. The ebook is very tempting and if I can find time to read it! The photo a day is such a great project and reminder of our precious moments with little ones….thank you and wish you and your family a best 2013!

    • Hi Sheau!
      Happy new year to you too!! The green smoothie challenge is so easy for me to blend into my morning (sorry, puns run in my family). I don’t have the ebook, but I like to improvise and work with whatever I have on hand…so far it’s all been tasty.
      xo, Rachelle

  4. Mystery trips!! I feel kind of sad not to have done one before, but letting that go and announced one for Sunday! Woot!

  5. Thanks for this. I just signed up for the Green Smoothie challenge and these resolutions are closely inline with mine. Good luck!

    • You’re so welcome! I’m glad that you found something useful here, Linda. I’ve been drinking these smoothies for about a month, and they’re so good. Enjoy.

  6. I love the idea of resolutions, especially resolutions that encourage editing and revising as the year goes on… I’m committed to doing more art with my kids in the company of other parents and kids. I find myself tentative about my own journey’s into visual arts, but am inspired by the creative moms around me, so I love the opportunity to make with them while dancing with their kiddos!

    • Hi Ashley! Revision and iteration are key for me too. We have to flexible, just as life is flexible. My 2-year old and I recently started a mommy and me dance class. Dance is not my forte, but I LOVE it — it’s great for both of us, and I’m happy to be creating alongside my child. I look forward to hearing more about your journey toward hands-on making alongside other parents and children. Happy new year!

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