Creative Table on Instagram

Do you know about the Creative Table Project on Instagram?

creative table on instragram

If you would like to see more creativity in your child’s life and if you’re interested in joining an inspiring community of creative parents who swap ideas, Creative Table can help!

Last summer I invited my readers to share images of the creative things that are happening on their tables (or patios, backyards, sidewalks, etc.) as eye candy that we can all get inspired by, and then tag the image on Instagram with the hashtag #creativetable.

The project began small, but it’s since grown into a thriving visual database of 750+ creative tables that continues to grow each day! The range of ideas is great, which makes this especially fun and full of surprises: There are projects for babies and kids, science experiments, open-ended art making, seasonal crafts, sensory experiences, and cooking activities…just to name a few.

What makes this so awesome?

Not only is this a rewarding way to document the creative happenings in your home, but having the project in the back of your mind can also help you look for opportunities to build more creativity into your daily rhythm. Plus, the scale of the project now makes it a cool tool for gathering inspiration. I know of one reader who checks in every morning to scroll through images tagged with #creativetable as a way of finding ideas that she can use that day.

You can join!

If this is new to you, or in case you’re not on Instagram, here are some recent highlights from the Creative Table project. If you’re on Instagram and would like to play, we would LOVE to have you. Please read these guidelines first, and then be sure to add the hashtag #creativetable to your image.

A note about the images: Beneath each photo is the name and Instagram handle of the person the image belongs to, and any descriptive text that they added to their photo. I hope that these images inspire you as much as they inspire me!

Creative Table Inspiration from

angaleta @angaleta

#kidsinitiative #busykids #creativetable more #concoctions and #magicpotion

Creative table drawing inspiration from a book

Maya Bisineer @thinkmaya

Scroll art. With the whole family. We are creating an “imaginary garden” inspired by a book by the same name #readeveryday #memetales365

Note: Planting a Rainbow is the book in the image.

Creative Table Project: Paint on paper plates

Ali Wright @athomewithali

You can’t beat a paper plate for craft…….

Painting with string from the Creative Table Project

brittanyclaireandco @brittanyclaireandco

:: string painting fun ::

Playing with Cloud Dough from the Creative Table Project on Tinkerlab

Luiza Holub @luizaholub

Cloud dough! Kept my 17 month old busy(and quiet)for at least an hour! Super sensory great fun #creativetable

Here’s the cloud dough recipe that inspired this activity.

Making homemade Valentines on the Creative Table Project on Tinkerlab

Jen Kossowan @mamapapabubba

Crafty girl.

Cardboard creative table from the Tinkerlab Creative Table Project

Emilie Brehm @emiliebrehm

cardboard + aluminum foil + duct tape = parts for an under-table submarine

Paint your own pottery shop from the Tinkerlab Creative Table Project

Rachelle Doorley @tinkerlab

Paint your own pottery shop. Who knew that my kids would love this so much? #creativetable

Stamping on a cardboard box from the Tinkerlab Creative Table Project

Shana Draugelis @shanachristine

The best thing about Amazon’s subscribe and save program are the huge boxes everything gets delivered in. Instant #creativetable (we added dot markers for now, but this may turn into a week-long project….)

Creative Table Project on InstagramSo, what do you think? Will you join us?

If you’re a participant, you’re welcome to grab this button and add it to your posts or sidebar.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links to products that I adore or that I think you’ll find useful.



  1. Wow, #creativetable has indeed grown on Instagram. This is wonderful. I am excited that you are spreading the word. I love the creative kids community on instagram !

    • Isn’t that amazing Maya?! I also love the creative kids community on Instagram (and so glad that you’re part of it!).

  2. Such a great thing you’ve started, Rachelle! I love checking in to see what others are up to and to get inspiration for new projects. Thanks so much for including us! 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Jen! Your creative tables are so inspiring and I love all of your (and N’s) ideas. xx

  3. So neat! It’s so easy to get involved in this wonderful project! Just choose one pic (this is the hard job!) and then share! And then, you can found lots of brilliant ideas dancing and jumping between this pictures! I love this creative (and inspiring) community! Thanks!

    • The simplicity of it is one of my favorite things about this project. Your children and their ideas are a constant inspiration and I’m so delighted that we met through our blogs and built a friendship through Instagram. Isn’t that amazing? xx

    • Thank you, Jenny! I know — Instagram is addictive. I think it’s in large part due to how easy it is to use. Plus, I’m visual and that helps, I’m sure. Thanks for sharing the link. I’ve been adding #thedailyplay to some of my photos and love the community you’re building around the importance of play in childhood. You are such an inspiration.

  4. I love, love, love #creativetable. It is so much fun seeing what others are up. It is such a lovely creativetable community…. the more the merrier.

    • Ali — that’s exactly right — the more, the merrier. Let’s spread the word and help build more creativity into our lives. Your participation has helped make this such a fun and rewarding project to be involved in. Big hugs to you!

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