Have you noticed the leaves turning in your part of the world? Do you make seasonal bucket lists? By nature I’m hopelessly disorganized, but having children has helped me make some progress, mainly because my kids demand it of me.
This bucket list was inspired the Fall 2011 Bucket List by Katie at Loves of Life. Thanks Katie — your list is fantastic!
Why I Write Bucket Lists
I never wrote bucket lists before having kids (does anyone?) and I started this ritual to help me navigate the sea of activities that go along with having children. I also enjoy the process of planning, wishing, and dreaming with my family. It’s fun to sit down with paper and a pen, and scribble out a long list of wishes. We come up with all sorts of fun ideas and this process builds excitement for transitioning from one season to the next.
It’s only August, but I noticed that our leaves are already turning. Does anyone else think this is just crazy? My husband baked a cherry pie with 4-year old Nutmeg this afternoon, and the house started to smell like Fall. And we tackled back-to-school shopping this weekend. Get ready, because Fall is coming!
Do you know what I’m dreaming about today? Pumpkin Pie flavored coffee and baking my mom’s pumpkin bread. Mmmm.
Links to Fun Fall Activities
Make popcorn straight from the cob in the Corncob Popcorn Experiment
Negative Leaf Impressions are a fun way to document the shapes of leaves, with leaves and a spray bottle full of colored water
Make a Sticky Autumn Collage with leaves and contact paper
Check out my growing FALL Pinterest Board for more inspiration
What’s on your Fall Bucket List?
What do you look forward to this season? Feel free to print this and share widely because it’s never too early to plan ahead.
I love the idea of a seasonal bucket list! I’m pretty disorganized too, but a seasonal list is doable I think…Here’s ours we’re in Tokyo:
Beetle Bait and Black lights for bug collecting at night
Night picnic in September for the Full Moon festival
Forage for our favorite fall fruits like apricots, quince and yuzu to make chutney
Hike along the Tama River.
Homemade Halloween costumes.
Popping popcorn on the cob in the microwave.
Leaf Piles, leaf pressing and leaf stringing
Appreciating Fall smells
Yaki Imo (roasted sweet potatoes sold by street vendors)
NO chestnut roasting ( I cut my finger really, really badly last year!)
Amber — reading your Japanese Fall list is so inspiring and a great reminder of how differently we all experience the seasons. Sorry to hear about the finger incident. Things like that certainly do have a way of killing tradition!
I totally love this list! The look of it and all the great ideas it contains. I shared it on Facebook. My readers are going to love it too.
Thanks for spreading the word — Fall is such a fun time. xo
great list, rachelle! can we do the cob popcorn with you? i wanna try it! back-to-school so gets me into the fall spirit, but i wish our leaves would change before mid-november. i love leaf art! 😉
Yes please! We had to dig into the list today and didn’t have any bags for microwaving corn, so we made it the old fashioned stove-top way. And, um, it may have been even tastier. Funny about your leaves — ours are changing like crazy. It’s a little nutty.
stovetop kernels are my fav (heavily salted!) i tried to swear off microwave popcorn (since it’s supposed to be carcinogenic and all that) but i still do the 365 WF organic bags quite a bit. wow, how is it that you live 20 minutes away from me and you’re having fall leaves there? i need to come over.
This is wonderful!! Can I share this list on my website and newsletter? It is free to those that read and receive and I will credit tinkerlab.com Please let me know.
Go for it, Tarah!
what a great list! i had a blast this summer but did not do all the things on my summer list, so i am not sure i should do a fall one. i like how yours has some easy ones too.
I tried to fill this with easy things that we’re planning to do anyway, but I won’t beat myself up if we don’t get to everything. The corn maze and tail gating are two things that I always want to do and never make time for, so I hope this list will help me make a point of putting these on the calendar.
What fun list! All we have on our list is school because that’s what I’ve been organizing lately! Just last night I realized that we are going to burn out unless we schedule in a little family fun. Time to get creative . . . but maybe I’ll borrow some of your ideas!
Oh yes, you do need to add some fun to your Fall! And what do you think about building some of these outings or projects into your Fall curriculum? A lot of them are nature-based and I bet you could weave them into science or social studies lessons. And you can always sip apple cider while reading 🙂 Wishing you a fun Fall!
Great list! On a humorous note, just gotta say…it took me a sec to realize “Nutmeg” was referring to a child, and I thought we were about to hear about a pie disaster with an expired spice jar… 😉
Hilarious!! I reread that section and TOTALLY see your point. I go back and forth between calling her “N” and nutmeg. Maybe I should stick with N 🙂
I would add catching a Dia de Los muertos celebration
I love this, Midori! How on earth did I leave that off my list?
I really, really love the list and the idea of a seasonal bucket list. A lot less pressure. It would have been better if it could have been converted to a PDF. But thank you for the list.
Going to a little agriculturale fair is on our bucket list.
Going to a little agricultural fair is on our bucket list.
what a fantastic idea! i’m so sharing this. cant wait to do all of these with my daughter!
i love this! i am so going to share. i cant wait to do this with my daughter. thank you for a great idea (as always)
Sorry for the double comment 🙂 my computer had a hiccup
I love this list. I think I have always made buckets lists, but never knew that is what they were called. I am a list maker for sure….too many lists! Hope you are doing well Rachelle!
thanks for the inspiration shoutout! love your list!
I am someone who isn’t married and doesn’t have kids, but I still make lists. Well, I made one for the summer and I’m looking for inspiration for my fall list. I have a really emotionally draining job, so making the list helps me to make sure I do the fun stuff I would like to do and not just come home and sit on the couch.
A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. The lists are great, but why call them “bucket” lists? You will not be planning to die every season. Please just call it an activity list or something.
[…] prompted me to pull this big ol’ list of family fun for fall together. We made a similar family fall bucket list a few years ago. Furthermore, after trying so many fall activities with my kids over the years it […]
[…] And for a whole slew of Autumn ideas, check out the fun Fall Bucket List […]