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I started writing these posts just six months ago, and can’t believe how far this site has come.

Thank you so very much to each and every one of you who reads this blog. Family, friends, new friends, loyal readers.  It means the world to me. And it delights me to no end when I read your comments about your own creative adventures, or visit you in your homes and see that you and your kids have been tinkering with some of our projects.  Your comments and ideas keep me going. Thank you!

nola isla iphone

Thank you to my girls. This site wouldn’t exist without you. (And thank you to the iPhone for giving me an outlet to the world, and entertaining my children in those dark moments when all hell breaks loose!)

family photo

And finally, I’m grateful a million times over for the love and support of my creative and kind husband. I can’t even imagine who I would be without you.

I’ll be signing off for a few days to enjoy some time with the family. Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving.

xo, Rachelle


  1. Rachelle, Thank you so much for all your inspiration and the brilliant hands-on activities! I love your blog. Fabulous!! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!! –Dawn

  2. receiving your blog entries in the mail is a little piece of heaven. your ideas help me get through the day. and it’s when I do art projects with Simone that we get some healthy bonding one on one time.
    AND I am so impressed after having your second bambino that you keep up your blog. I admire your commitment. I admire that you stay connected to your passion of art and education.
    gobble gobble

  3. awww, feeling the love even though i’ve only just found your blog (it was the tinfoil painting that caught my eye!) 🙂

  4. Sending the love and thanks right back at you all. Thank you for continuing to inspire me and giving me good reason to show up at TinkerLab every week!

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