Highlights from the Creative Table Project

It’s been a super busy and creative month over in the Instagram Creative Table Challenge.

creative table instragram image big

A few weeks ago I shared that we had 750 inspiring creative table entries on Instagram. Today there are over 1100 creative table invitations, set-ups, ideas, and playful explorations to browse and get ideas from!

Amazing, right?!

Just as I did last month, I thought it would be fun to spotlight a few highlights that represent the range of creative experiences that are happening all over the world.

If you’d like to see all of the Creative Table ideas that are popping up, you can  search #creativetable on Instagram or type “creativetable” into the search bar on Followgram.

share your creativetable on instagram

Join the Challenge

If you’re on Instagram and would like to play, we would LOVE to have you. Please read these guidelines first, and then be sure to add the hashtag #creativetable to your image. And who knows…maybe I’ll spotlight your image in my next Creative Table Post!

A note about the images: Beneath each photo is the name and Instagram handle of the person the image belongs to, and any descriptive text that they added to their photo. I hope that these images inspire you as much as they inspire me!

Jen Kossowan MamaPapaBubba

Jen Kossowan @mamapapabubba

Sharpies and blown up balloons… Perhaps the simplest creative table ever. #creativetable #invitationtocreate

Light Table with Natural Objects

angaleta @angaleta

#playinvitation #creativetable nature treasures on the light table #yesIvebeenplaying #creixercreant

Discovery table with magnifying glasses

Kate @kate_aneverydaystory

Something for after quiet time 🙂 #creativetable

Make your own Easter Egg Craft

Ness @nessoneperfectday

Happy Tuesday everyone. The pretty colours in our Easter garland are making me smile. What’s making you smile today? #playmatters #creativetable

Scratch Art inspired by Miro Drawing in an art book

Shana Draugelis @shanachristine

These kid art books are a wealth of inspiration. #creativetable #philadelphiamuseumofart

Paint pinecones with glittery paint

Gina @connectingfamilyseoul

Painting our nature finds together. #connectwithplay #pinecones #creativetable

Make your own solar system memory game

Emilie Brehm @emiliebrehm

the boys illustrated their own solar system themed memory game #creativetable

Painting Leaves Outdoors with Kids

Bar Rucci @barrucci

painting leaves, teaching them observation. #creativetable #vscocam

Making your own wrapping Paper with stamps

Chelsey Marashian @cmarashian

Getting wrapping paper ready for a birthday party tomorrow! #creativetable #blog


Highlights from last month’s Creative Table: Creative Table Project on Instagram

Follow me on Instagram


  1. I love all this pictures! And, of course, It’s a GREAT HONOUR for me have been involved in this beautiful project, but more importantly has brought us closer, we discovered a beautiful friendship and the many similarities between the interests of our children. You are wonderful! Thanks for all the fun! XOXO

    • Angela, I feel the same way! Your creativity is endless and I’m constantly inspired by you. Not only that, but you had faith in this project from the beginning and have really helped me pull it off the ground. Big, big hugs across the sea to you. xx

  2. Such gorgeous photos and ideas! I’m so, SO thrilled to be a part of this feature and genuinely love this project… The inspiration is endless – so thank you!

    • And Jen, I’m thrilled that you found this project and decided to dive right in. My kids ADORE Sharpies and I know that your simple balloon invitation is going to be a huge hit with them. Thank YOU!

  3. i admit i am shocked anyone is able to photograph their creative tables. Between setting it up, being available during the project, keeping baby brother occupied with his own ideas or directing clean up, I’m lucky to get a photo of the end result if there even is one. I shall take this on as a challenge. I will put in my conscious brain “take pictures of creative happenings”. oooww, i can’t wait to see if my brain can keep up.

    • Danielle, There is absolutely no pressure here at all. I started out taking photos of the creative tables BEFORE the kids got to it. Like when they’re sleeping. It helps that my phone is often nearby, and I can snap a few photos to upload when the house is calm or I’m waiting in line somewhere. I also see that there are two sides to this project — one is to share inspiration and the other is to browse and get inspired. i like to wear both hats and sometimes I’m happy to simply check out all the creative things happening around me and let my favorites soak into my tired mama brain 🙂

  4. Rachelle thank you! I am so thrilled to have our creative table is included here. I joined IG a little hesitantly at the beginning of the year but I have to say it has been a huge source of fun and inspiration thanks to projects like yours. Thank you!

  5. Oh, I’ll definitely have to try the balloon and sharpies idea!! Thank for so much for sharing our nature art creative table! I’m honored to be included with these amazing ideas. 🙂

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