Organizing Art Supplies: Pantry Labels

pantry labelsI know you probably come here for projects to work on with your kids, and I have loads of ideas for you, but I got a burst of energy from a “pantry organization” search on Pinterest (see, poking around online is not a waste of your time!), and got busy sorting my pantry.

Very busy.

The “before” pictures are incredibly embarrassing blury, and I’m sure I’ll share them one day, but for today I thought you might like to see some of the labels and baskets that corale our food stuff.

“Play Food” is where I store our bags of Cloud Dough, Gluten-free Cloud Dough, Beans, Gum Drops, Gummy Bears, and other art-related food things. Click on any of those links to connect with related projects! It’s so helpful to have it all in one go-to spot.

pantry labelMy crafty Fiskateer friend, Angela, sent me a sweet Fiskars corner lever punch that I’ve been using to embellish almost everything, and I added a little bit o’ Tinkerlab font to make these feel extra personal to me.

pantry labelThe best part of this project may be tossing all the outdated food and things we never eat, and making space for the foods we love. I’m already planning our next meal (buttermilk pancakes), which I rarely do at the end of the night.

Halleluja for organizing! Too bad it took me so long to jump on this wagon.

If you’d like to see the the rest of this new series on how we’re organizing our art supplies, pop over to one of these pages:

Organizing Art Supplies: Day One

Organizing Art Supplies: Day Two

How do you organize your pantry? Any tips for keeping it tidy?


  1. I see that you kept your cloud dough.  Does it keep well?  Does it smell or change texture?  Thanks!

    • Yes, the cloud dough kept well, although it’s about time to toss it because it’s getting that strong oil smell, and it’s probably turning. So maybe 1-2 months is its lifetime. 🙂

  2. 🙂 I am on maternity leave and re-organizing the cupboards and the rest of the house is the main project when the baby is asleep.’s a long slow process…our house is not big..and we have many ‘things’ …your post gave me some inspiration for our pantry. I will defenitely execute the pinterest search.

    • I feel the same way as you — with little people underfoot, it’s a long, long project that in another lifetime could have been tackled much more quickly!! I’m glad to hear that I have some company in this clean-up journey. And congratulations to you on the newest member of your family!!!

  3. I have just come across your amazing blog!!! I love it!!! You are amazing I can’ t begin to comprehend how you come up with all these entertaining ideas. While feeling inspired to share all your ideas with my 20 mo ,I also feel inadequate as a mum- wished I would’ve found you sooner!!!!

    • Oh, thank you so much for the oh-so-lovely comment! I’ll treasure it forever!! Please do not feel inadequate at all…my hope is that this site can act as inspiration for parents or teachers to pick and choose from what we do and add what works to their own lives or situations. My youngest is just a bit younger than your 20 month old, and we’re just getting into the swing of making things with her. It’s not too late and I welcome you to this little tinkering community. 

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