This Creative Week

Happy weekend, friends! I have one more week in Massachusetts before I return to life as I know it in California. There’s lots of creative stuff going on around the web this week. Here are a few highlights:

Top Row:

I’m honored to be part of this amazing new Pinterest board: 20 Must Follow Moms. It’s chock-full of good ideas and family-friendly inspiration. I think you’ll love it.

Backyard Roller Coaster made with PVC, wood, concrete, ad loads of sweat, YouTube.

Providing Real Art Journals for Budding Artists, from Hannah at Paint on the Ceiling


Keri Smith, author of Wreck This Journal, is giving away a books to teachers (and anyone else who’s interested). She also has a nifty free download for anyone. Me, please!

8 Ways to Save Money on School Supplies, Edutopia

Focused Fine Motor Activities Help Young Children Reset, From Amanda at Not Just Cute


Happy Messes is a peek into the beautiful, artsy home of  Rubyellen from the gorgeous blog, Cakies.

Scribble City: Drawing on a Found Map, from Jena at Happy Little Messes

67 Ideas for Art, Play, and Learning with Shaving Cream, from Jean at The Artful Parent

What’s inspiring you this week? Where have you been going for inspiration?


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