I’ve been thinking about getting an old typewriter for a long while. This post from The Artful Parent struck a chord, and I love how Jean set up a writing area around her typewriter.

Since I’ve been on a purging streak since the first of the year it was hard to justify the purchase, and find a good spot for it.

tinkering on the typewriter

By the way, if you’re interested in organizing your life and home from the inside out, I found this book enormously helpful. Okay, so fast forward many months…closets are mostly cleaned out, the garage is full enough to host 3 garage sales, and I’m flipping through a copy of Cottages and Bungalows magazine when I come across this bit of inspiration…

tinkering on the typewriter

I immediately got on craigslist and within minutes, I found a cool 1970’s Galaxie Deluxe for $20! After recently spotting another machine in our thrift store for $100, I knew this was a deal. Score! My 3-year old was so excited about it, and we made a big adventure out of going to pick it up, cleaning it when we got home, and just playing with it for a solid hour that morning. Typing, spelling, checking out the inner workings of the machine, asking questions about how it works, scrolling, pounding…

tinkering on the typewriter

Amy at Let’s Explore has been making these wonderful List Poems about Fall with her daughters that are wonderful keepsakes of a fleeting moment in time. I’ve wanted to try this with N, to capture her thoughts of the Fall, and she was game! Here’s what she dictated to me…

tinkering on the typewriter

Don’t you just love the variety and hand-made quality of the type? So much character!! I think this wil be a fun addition to our Thanksgiving…thinking about asking each of our guests to share a message of thanks that we’ll add to a memory book.


    • Thanks Amy 🙂 I’d love to see what you guys would come up with if you had a typewriter!

  1. I remember always playing on typewriters and adding machines (wow!? does anyone even know what one of those is?) and how FUN was that! I always let C type on the computer keyboard and she absolutely loves it! I’m sure she would love a typewriter. Too bad I didn’t have my smith corona, but a non electric typewriter would be much cooler. My husband has old letters that his Grandfather typed and they are so cool to look at. WIth e-mail and texting….where will all our memories be….I guess some where in cyber space? Great post.

    • Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I totally remember adding machines! They had a HUGE one at my dad’s bank, and I’d pluck at it while my dad waiting in line and took care of grown-up business. So fun!! How wonderful to have those old records from your family’s past — I’m all for eliminating clutter and keeping things in cyber space, but little pieces of ephemera are wonderful family keepsakes.

  2. some of my fondest early childhood memories revolve around my old typewriter. (eek, that’s telling!) i wish i’d held onto it – you and N make it look like sooo much fun! and i love the varied type and font.

    • It’s telling! I’m in the same boat, though 🙂 It really is fun, and educational, and I’d highly recommend one if you girls have an itch for old type.

    • Now you’ll have to hunt for one, Deborah! They’re surprisingly easy to come by.

  3. I passed on one of these typewriters at a thrift store last year and have regretted it ever since! I might have to trawl craigslist….

    • Oh no, don’t regret it, Catherine. I did the same thing and then discovered how easy they are to come by. Another one will find you soon!

    • isn’t it divine? such a different feeling from the computers we’ve come to know and love.

  4. A friend gave my kids an old typewriter he’d had when he was a child and they LOVE using it! Must hunt it out of storage (we are renovating) for another play soon!

    • Yes, Kate, hunt it out!! It’ll be novel and fun for at least a week before you can put it back in storage again 🙂

  5. This is a fabulous idea and one the children love! I put out “office” equipment in my classroom…typewriters (that really don’t work), adding machines, calculators, pencils, markers, paper, old phones, etc. etc. The children LOVE this center and could spend all day there! I have recommended this idea to parents for holiday or birthday gifts for their children and it’s been a hit with so many! A fun idea!

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