Today’s post will be quick since I’m packing up a suitcase and heading for the East Coast! Yippee!
I’m heading the NYC and Cambridge, two cities that have melted my heart. My boyfriend-turned-husband and I lived in New York for one incredibly fun summer between our junior and senior years of college. I was a theater major and was lucky to find work on a TV show and a movie, scraping up just enough money to pay my way back to California that September.
This time I’m looking forward to a walk on the High Line, eating at Momofuku, checking out this crazy museum, and hanging out at Books of Wonder, an incredible, independent book store near Union Square.
Have you been? I’m so excited to spend some time there.
To celebrate TinkerLab’s launch into the Big Apple, I’ll bring along all the materials you’ll need to make a Marker Explosion tote back, straight from page 146 of TinkerLab: A Hands-on Guide for Little Inventors (affiliate link).
Supplies are limited, so arrive early!
Following that, I’ll be in Cambridge on August 10, with a repeat of the Marker Explosion project. I’ll be sure to get all the wrinkles out by this second book talk, so meet me in Cambridge for the more refined maker experience!
If you’d like to know more about my arts education beginnings, I dug up this interview on the Arts in Education website where I talk about my motivation to bring the arts to youth, one way or another. With the new TinkerLab book launched, I’m so happy to say that I am meeting this goal!
So, will I see you on the Right Coast?
Oh, one last thing…
Please support Independent Book Stores! I went into my local bookstore yesterday and purchased six books. While I purchase my fair share of books and other things on Amazon, it always feels great to know that my Indy Book Store purchases contribute toward keeping these neighborhood gems around for my kids, and perhaps theirs.
Books of Wonder and Porter Square Books, see you both soon!
I am glad that you are very hardworking and I wish you to develop your business as soon as possible, as I have also recently started a partnership with Amazon so I know how the filling is it!
I am glad that you are very hardworking and I wish you to develop your business as soon as possible.