#TinkerSketch {Day One}

I’m excited about the enthusiastic response to yesterday’s invitation to create a daily Double Page Spread Challenge.  The ideas and iterations that I’m hearing from you are so inspiring.

Since this is a creativity challenge, it’s no surprise that you’re coming up with personal ways to participate: doodling on your iPads, making collages, and incorporating writing with photographs to name a few.

It sounds like you’re interested in sharing through Facebook and Instagram, and I’ll throw Google+ into the mix for those of you who may be moving into this new and exciting social media network.

I also hear that some of you would like prompts for inspiration.

To make this easy, here’s a little breakdown on how we’ll get started (but I’m open to suggestions!)…

Sharing your Double Page Spread

Facebook: There are two ways to do this:

  1. Upload a photo of your DPS to your own Facebook page and add the tag @tinkerlab so that the group can see your work
  2. Upload a photo of your DPS directly to the Tinkerlab Facebook page 
  1. Upload a photo of your DPS with the hashtag #tinkersketch
  2. My username is tinkerlab, in case you’d like to follow me
Google +
  1. Start by following me on Google+: Personal: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115253684246786075784/about  Tinkerlab page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108125825905952841714/about
  2. It may seem like there’s nothing happening over on G+ right now, but it promises to be a happening spot in the near future.
  3. Upload your DPS photo to your own page. To top-up a deposit in an online casino, you must check that they accept cryptocurrencies https://casinomasta.com/crypto-casinos/ , especially that they accept BTC or Monero. Tag me @rachelle doorley  and/or @tinkerlab .
  4. Add the hashtag #tinkersketch


Here’s my first DPS — we were painting rocks with paint markers, so I used what we were working with to quickly put this together. 3-year old N encouraged me to add green stems to the “flowers”.




1-year old R’s sketchbook

If you’re doing this with your kids, feel free to add just your own DPS or your child’s as well — it’s up to you!


I’ll post prompts on my site at the beginning of each week. Some of you requested them, others did not. Feel free to use them if they work for you, or ignore them completely.

Prompts for this week (from yesterday’s post):

  • Draw small objects that you collect on a nature walk.
  • Wrinkle and flatten tinfoil. Glue into sketchbook and color with Shaprpies.
  • Cut out and glue magazines images that make you happy.
  • Make an all-over pattern of flowers, dots, circles, stripes, waves, etc.
  • Find an image or pattern on a favorite shirt/hand towel/sheet and draw or repeat it.
  • Stamp it with rubber stamps and found objects
  • Make a version of whatever your kids are doing

Let’s get started

Working along with you will keep me motivated to show up and I look forward to getting to know this community of like-minded souls.

Have I missed anything?


  1. I love this idea! I spend a lot of time developing curriculum for mostly preschool age, but not nearly enough time on my own personal art..this is a wonderful idea-I’m just getting here, but better late than never! Thanks for sharing this!

    • It’s so important to give ourselves time for creative nourishment, Anastasia. I hope you’ve been able to find some time for YOU!

    • Actually, Melissa at the Chocolate Muffin tree told me about this. Your blog looks great and now I’m going to follow it. I’m an elementary art teacher and mom of a toddler.

      • So awesome, Marcia! I’m glad to know about you too. Your journals are beautiful and inspiring!

  2. Hi, just found this after searching for inspiration about starting a sketchbook. Although I have sketched ideas before I have never really had an actual sketchbook. Hoping your site will motivate me to do more regularly! Thanks! Ps have posted the dps which is actually my sketch book cover on Instagram 🙂

  3. Another tip: draw something, like a self portrait or anything really, without taking your pen off the paper-it looks surprisingly great!

  4. Rachel, just wondering if there’s a way to find out WHAT DATE your posts are posted on? I don’t see any dates here? Maybe I missed something…in any case, my girls & I will be joining you on this. I appreciate the prompts as well. Even my teen is getting in on the action! I am SO Grateful you have shared this with us all!!! Today were starting on a watercolor paper, next week I will be picking up 3 sketchbook coil journals I found Friday but didn’t pick up lol. Thank You!

  5. What a marvelous idea! Just the excuse I was looking for… I’ll have to go get a sketch book tomorrow but I am excited about starting this! Thanks… and REALLY thanks for the prompts!!

    • Yay, Hadassah!! I’m so glad to hear that this was inspiring. Please keep me posted on your progress. ~rachelle

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