
Design Challenge: Make Straw and Paper Airplanes

How to  make a straw airplane | TinkerLab

We love engineering projects and my kids make their fair share of paper airplanes. This is a fun twist on the paper airplane, and I’ll show you how to make straw and paper airplanes.

I was amazed at just how far this simple contraption could go!

I’ve been wanting to make one of these for a while, and then along came Asia Citro’s newest book, The Curious Kids’ Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-on Activities for Ages 4-8. (affiliate). 

The curious kids' science book creative hands-on activities | TinkerLab

Note: This post may contain affiliate links.

And wouldn’t you know, right there on page 123 is a project called Design a Straw Plane and Change the Parts to Change how it Flies.


If you enjoyed my book or have a curious and creative child between the ages of 4 and 8, The Curious Kids’ Science Book is just for you.

Supplies: Make Straw and Paper Airplanes

  • Cardstock paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Straw

How to  make a straw and paper plane  | TinkerLab

Directions: Make a Straw and Paper Plane

  • You will need two pieces of paper for this activity: one will be half the length of the other
  • Cut two strips off the end off a sheet of paper that are approximately 1″ wide.
  • Cut one of the strips in half
  • You will now use two pieces of paper: The long one and one of the short ones. Ours measured at roughly 1″ x 8.5″ and 1″ x 4.25″. This does not have to be precise.
  • Tape the paper strips into loops
  • Tape the loops to either end of a straw, making sure that they are facing the same direction.
  • Fly your plane.

Extensions and Design Challenges

  • Try using different lengths of paper
  • Use different weights of paper
  • Move the paper closer to the center of the straw
  • Measure how far your plane can travel
  • Make a paper airplane and compare the distances traveled
  • If you enjoy making things that fly, try making a flying teabag hot air balloon.

Supplies for making a straw and paper plane  | TinkerLab

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These go so far. And they're easy! How to make a straw and paper plane that flies far | TinkerLab

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