Caramel Chocolate Pecan Turtle Recipe

This Caramel Chocolate Pecan Turtle Recipe is so simple that children can help make it (mine did) and it’s absolutely delicious.

Kid-friendly and a crowd-pleaser!

Caramel Chocolate Rolo Turtle Recipe

Caramel Chocolate Pecan Turtle Recipe

These Pecan Chocolate Turtles are beyond easy to make and I was able to make it WITH my kids. So much fun, and everyone thought they were delicious.

When I first made these, my one year old exercised fine motor skills by unwrapping the candies, while my 3 year old placed them on the pretzels. It was assembly-line cooking at its finest!

These delicious candies won’t disappoint you, I promise!


  • Mini Pretzels
  • Chocolate-covered caramel candy such as Rolos
  • Candied Pecan Halves (or regular pecan halves)


If you don’t have candied pecans, try substituting M + M’s, cashews, salted pecans, etc.

*Inspired by this recipe

These are crazy good and so easy to make. Everyone loves them. Caramel Chocolate Rolo Turtle Recipe | TinkerLab


Pre-heat oven to 300 F

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper

Arrange pretzels on the sheet

Place a caramel chocolates on top of each pretzel

Bake for 4 minutes

Remove from the oven and gently press a pecan half on top of the warm chocolate

Cool and enjoy. To expedite cooling, you can put these in the fridge for a short time.

If you’re gifting these, package in waxed paper or cellophane.

Pretzel Turtles are so easy to make! They could be used for Christmas gifts and wrapped in wax paper or cellophane.!

Chocolate Pecan Turtle Recipe

When ours finally cooled I wrapped them up in wax paper and sealed them with a sticker.

diy gifts with kids

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