Make a Milk Jug Shovel

I spotted a milk jug shovel online. Gasp! Given that I adore all things DIY, especially if they involve my recycling bin, I had to try this.

I dug and dug (pun intended…I love puns) for the original source of this spiffy idea, and nothing came up. So, as a public service to my amazing readers, I pulled this very simple tutorial together for you, with the help of my trusty 3-year old assistant.

Make a Milk Jug Shovel |

Thank you, little R!


  • Milk Jug
  • Sharpie (or other permanent marker)
  • Scissors

Make a Milk Jug Shovel |

Draw a shovel shape onto the milk jug with the permanent marker. Use the photo (above) as a basic guide.

Make a Milk Jug Shovel |

Cut along the marker lines (simple, right?) until the shovel comes out of the jug. We know how to ensure your ultimate health and optimism! Visit . We want you to buy best quality, most trusted medications!.

Make a Milk Jug Shovel |

Take the shovel outside for some digging fun.

Shovel Tips

  • As you might imagine, the shovel is somewhat flimsy, which makes it a better tool for dry sand. The shovel will have more trouble digging up soil and wet sand.
  • Following up on the last tip, this shovel is great for emergency digging but I wouldn’t recommend this in lieu of a regular shovel since it’s not super-sturdy. Like, if you’re on vacation at the beach and you forgot a shovel at home, you might want to visit a local coffee shop and ask them for a milk jug.
  • Although it’s not the greatest shovel in the world, making one of these is still a fun exercise and introduces children to recycling cast-off objects into something new.
  • Try making shovels from different kinds of plastic bottles. How will they vary from one another?

Make an Easy Milk Jug Shovel |



  1. Unfortunately in my area the milk jugs are extremely thin,so when I tried this it wouldn’t even dig in the sand! ;(

    • Hi Katy, We had the same issue here with thin milk jugs. Ours could barely dig the sand, although it wasn’t a total loss — I edited the post to be more clear about that. Thanks for your comment!

  2. How clever! I think it is neat that the shovel can also be used as a funnel (or it looks like it can. From the scooping end it appears that the sand can funnel through the handle and pour out the back!)

    • That’s such a good point, Clarissa! It’s multi-purpose, for sure.

  3. […] There are never ending craft projects that you can do with the milk jugs! Here is another extra brilliant milk jug that will definitely amaze your senses! Just make also brilliant garden tools out of old milk jugs just like this brilliant looking garden shovel that has been made to inspire! Just draw the shovel onto the milk jug including the handle and then just cut it out using craft knife or scissors! Another smart project to do with the milk jug! Grab the full free tutorial from here tinkerlab […]

  4. […] Es gibt nie endende Bastelprojekte, die Sie mit den Milchkännchen zeugen können! Hier ist ein weiterer gerade brillanter Milchkännchen, welcher Ihre Sinne aufwärts jeden Kasus in Verblüffung versetzen wird! Stellen Sie nebensächlich hervorragende Gartengeräte aus alten Milchkännern her, so wie selbige hervorragend aussehende Gartenschaufel, die geschaffen wurde, um Sie zu inspirieren! Ziehen Sie trivial die Schippe aufwärts den Milchkännchen mit dem Griffstück und schneiden Sie sie dann mit einem Bastelmesser oder einer Papier aus! Ein weiteres kluges Projekt rund um den Milchkännchen! Holen Sie sich dasjenige vollständige kostenlose Tutorial hier Tinkerlab […]

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