50 Earth Day Activities for Kids

Earth Day is our annual reminder to slow down and appreciate the bounty of the earth.

The following 50 Earth Day Activities for kids will encourage children to create objects from natural and recycled materials and spend more time outdoors.

Could you use an organized play planner for creative activities? After finding the perfect Earth Day activity, we invite you to join us in TinkerLab Schoolhouse, your online studio for kid-tested art and STEAM activities for children 3-10. Learn more here.

50 EARTH DAY activities for kids!

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day Activities with Natural Materials

So easy and magical! Fairy

Earth Day Activities with Recycled Materials

50 Earth Day Activities for kids | TinkerLab

Outdoor Art Earth Day Activities

playing in mud pie kitchen

50 Earth Day Activities for kids | TinkerLab


  1. Thanks so much for linking up to my diorama project. You’ve got a wonderful collection of ideas to celebrate Earth Day! Great blog.

  2. Super fab list! You are amazing Rachelle. Thanks for including some of our ideas. Doesn’t seem like it’s all about lists lately? What is the next trend?

  3. Thank you so much for these ideas. I love the summery feel to them. Great to use too, for garden parties and outdoor hanging out.

  4. Thanks, these ideas are fantastic and I have reblogged them on my blog!!! 😀

  5. Love the list thank you! Just wanted to add that I’ve done the baby food jar votive and they get VERY HOT. They should not be touched or moved by kids.

  6. I stumbled upon your blog following a link from the tiny tikes FB page. The opening Container Fairy Garden photo grabbed my eye, **I** have several of those Dutch houses! Thanks to some trips years ago on KLM flights. — Thanks from some great Earth Day ideas for children.

    -Clifton Bencke
    PiratesAndParrots.com Outdoors and on-the-water adventures for children.

  7. Earth is simply love, it gives us lots of resources with no cost. What i found that sharing Earth day Images on social media and in schools with kids would enhance love towards it. What say?

  8. Earth Day is sneaking right up so thanks for all these great ideas!!

  9. […] do an Earth Day Activity together. Check local listings. Get ideas on the Tinker Lab website for “Fifty Earth Day Activities” and by watching recent, annual Earth Day videos posted by the Disney Corporation on […]

  10. […] officially spring (!), it’s making me think about Earth Day (April 22). Check out this massive list of 50 Earth Day Activities for something that’s sure to inspire your family or […]

  11. Every parent should consider these awesome activities. Thank you for giving me great information. I love your post.

  12. Dear Rachelle,
    I’m a Waldorf Kindergarten teacher from IL, and I’m thanking you so very much on behalf of all my students and families for this great online resource! Happy Earth Day 2020! Blessings and Good Health!!!
    Ms. D.
    Rainbow Garden Kindergarten Teacher
    The Waldorf School of DuPage, Warrenville, IL

  13. What an incredible list! Thanks for so many earth day activity ideas!

  14. this is great my kids are so busy

  15. there could be a law that all the things that take you places are closed and you have to walk to school and other things

  16. This list is great! Cuz quarantine we’re all super duper bored. These are pretty fun!

  17. earth day is important because It educates us about what we have and what we are losing by acting in ways that aren’t environmentally friendly or energy efficient. Earth Day reminds us that we need to take action now to protect our environment before it’s too late.

  18. […] Day, I came across a site for children’s activities to celebrate this day. It’s called Tinkerhouse. Perhaps parents with young children at home would like to check this link. And Buggy and Buddy […]

  19. I like the ideas that you guys got for all kids and all looks really amazing and fun to do.

  20. l helped my dad plant some flowers.

  21. Earth we’ll be fine if they have activity like these

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