Fridge Box Imaginative Play

We got a new fridge (!!), and while I’m thrilled with the new appliance, I have to admit that I was almost as excited about the box that it came in. I had to convince the delivery team to save it for me, and was surprised that they seemed shocked by my request. Have they not delivered glorious ginormous boxes to the homes of preschoolers before?

But what would we do with it? I put the question out to my Facebook page because I was interested in gathering a wide range of possibilities for N to choose from, and the responses ranged from hilarious (Carissa said, “it would MY ‘quiet place’ for the day and then the kids could have it tomorrow.”) to the fiscal (Bron said I might be able to sell it on ebay for $50!!). Lauren at 365 Great Children’s Books suggested “a castle…a cafe…a library…a puppet theater.” I ran these along with all the other ideas past my daughter who immediately said she wanted to make a cafe. But once she saw the box, she decided that it would be a FOOD TRUCK!

Fridge Box Imaginative Play

I pushed her play kitchen around to the back door (sadly, it was too tall to fit inside), cut a service window on one side, and added a couple quick tires to differentiate it from a fast-food place.

taking orders

N added a cash drawer and a calculator, and was ready to take orders.

take out

I asked her about the menu and she told me that I would be eating ravioli (actually a lovely assortment of rocks). I couldn’t quite nail down the theme of her truck because the next day she was making lemon crepes. It made me laugh when she packed my food up in a to-go bag!

Fridge Box Imaginative Play

As the day went on more things were added: hand soap (because her customers should have clean hands before eating) and the beginning of a menu (the red paper attached with purple tape).

Fridge Box Imaginative Play

We also added a window to the front of the truck, a chair for driving, a lighting system, and some employees.

Activities like this are great for imagination-building and open-ended play. We’ve only had this up for 2 days, but it’s already given us HOURS of fun. For more cardboard box ideas, go on over to our Cardboard Box Challenge, which shares the cardboard creations of nearly 25 creative education/parent bloggers.

Book Links

Your turn: What have you done with a LARGE box? Or what would you do with one?

If you have a fridge box link or a fridge box photo to share, feel free to do so in the comments.

This post is linked to It’s Playtime!


  1. Oh what fun!! It actually reminds me when my brother was young he got a super cool train set as a gift but he was way more excited about the bag it came in that he turned it into a kite and that’s what he played with all day.

    Haha! What a great illustration, Daniela, and isn’t that always the way? I learned this lesson during the holidays when my one-year old more enthralled by the bubble wrap and wrapping paper than the gifts inside.

  2. What a great post! This will inspire days of imaginative play! We have our lawn mower box that C has drawn all over inside and out! She has put toys in it, but it hasn’t become anything specific! The box flaps kinda made it look like an airplane! Maybe I’ll cut some holes in it to inspire other kinds of play! We had the book “Not A Box” out and it is excellent! We’ll have to check out the other book! Also there is “Not A Stick” by the same author!

    Hi Melissa! Oddly, today the box went untouched, and I’m thinking of moving it into the yard…maybe with a bowl of markers 🙂 “Not a Box” is one of my favorite childrens’ books, and thanks for reminding me about “Not a Stick.”

  3. So awesome that the creation kept growing and growing from day to day. I can only imagine what it will be like next week – will it still be a food truck? Or will there be a sno-cone machine? 🙂 So imaginative!

    A sno-cone machine! I bet N would love that idea! Thanks for the nice comment, Jamie.

  4. Hi!
    I am Martha Bernhard and I follow your blog, every and I love it!
    Here is a photo of a box turned into a lovely house.
    martha Bernhard

    Oh, Martha, look at that house! It’s so cozy and inviting, and looks like it has everything a little person would need. Thanks for sharing. I’m so glad you’re here!

  5. Such a wonderful post!! And yay to imaginative play idea of N , love it how she came with her own idea to play with it.. AND ADDED THINGS TO IT!!

    Thank you, Roopa! Imaginative play seems to be one of her strong points at the moment 🙂

  6. Hi there! YES! I loved it very much. As usual your creativity is beautiful and the children are blessed with a mom as you.

    I also love very much the house Martha posted!!!

    You’re too kind, Angelique. And I agree about Martha’s house — adorable!

  7. You seem to have an unending supply of fabulous boxes in your world 😉

    No doubt, Jenny!!

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