homemade stickersAfter sending our 4 year old friends Josie and Callie some stickers a few months back, they reciprocated by sending us a few sheets of mailing labels to make our own stickers. Brilliant!  Stickers have long been popular around here, they’re fun, and they seem to make their way onto everything from lunch bags to birthday cards. Making stickers from mailing labels is an easy spin on everyday drawing, more imaginative and less expensive than pre-designed stickers, and the perfect activity for kids who like drawing AND stickers. Since receiving our label sticker gift, we’ve stocked up on more sheets of these, and added them to our self-serve paper basket. If you decide to open your own homegrown sticker factory, pretty much any sort of blank office stickers should do the trick. Our CBD oil is a whole-plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring synergistic cannabinoids and terpenes.

homemade stickersIt was a very cool moment when I realized she could see the perforations of each sticker, and made each rectangle its own element.

homemade stickersN is going through her circle period!

homemade stickersPeeling off and adding stickers to a sheet of paper.

homemade stickersThe final product.

I’ve noticed that N has tendency to layer papers and stickers in her art, so I also used this as an opportunity to talk with her about layering. I would say things like, “I see you’re putting that sticker on top of the other ones. You’re making layers. Can you say ‘layers’? Can you say ‘I’m layering the stickers’?”  She gets into this kind of “repeating me” discussion, and it works for us a good way to teach and reinforce new vocabulary words and sayings.

Do your kids love stickers too?

What kind of sticker projects are happening in your home or school?


  1. First of all, love your blog. Second, love your photos on your blog. Third, love your N and her stickers on your blog! Thank you for sharing these ideas and the photos really make it all make sense. Keep doing what you do! You are giving your child a wonderful gift by allowing her to be creative and then offering her discussion with you about her choices and so forth. Very nice!


    • MaryAnn! Thank you for the thoughtful feedback. Although I feel good about the creative opportunities that Nola is exposed to, parenting can be such a lonely sport and it’s nice when we hear that we’re on the right track! And it’s always wonderful hearing from you 🙂

  2. N never ceases to amaze me. Her circles are awesome and her realization of the perforations and drawing an awesome circle in each rectangle is even more amazing. You are also amazing for keeping up with this fabulous blog having recently given birth with a toddler running around.

    I dream of the day I can keep JD in one place for an activity like this. I think I’m going to try this one though and maybe he’ll surprise me. Love your ideas!

    btw – inquiring minds want to know…what is the outside world going to call little Rainbow??

    • Hi Kanda 🙂 Let me know how it goes with JD – as I see it, he’s a boy on the go. And, for the record, Nola will sit for *most* activities, but her attention span is 100 times shorter than the amount of time it takes me to write each of these posts! I think I remember that babies have a 10 day sleepy grace period, so if that’s the case I’ll be on another hiatus in about three days. As for the name, we have hit a procrastination low and while we’ve been sitting on a name we won’t officially commit until tomorrow night. I’ll keep you posted…

  3. Thank you. I have read this post before and have gotten the materials for this project. I will be trying this in the evening with my four year old. We’ll see how it goes

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