I’m going to show you how easy it can be to make a book from one sheet of paper. Nothing fancy required here, and within minutes you’ll have an 8-page book, art journal, or sketchbook. These are simple enough for kids to make with little assistance.

Once the one-page book is made, decorate the cover with paint or collage (shown here) or drawing. Multiple books can be glued together, front to back cover, to create longer books.
1: Fold the paper in half, the long way or hot dog style.
2: Open the paper and fold it the short way, or hamburger style.
3: Keep the paper folded and fold the paper one more time in the same direction.
4: Open the paper and you’ll have eight sections.

5: Fold the paper in half again, the short way, and cut along the middle crease in just one section.
6: Open it to make sure the section is cut.
7: Hold the creases on either set of the cut and push the paper until it forms a book
8: Press down all the folds to help the book lie flat. Decorate however you like!

That’s all there is to it. After you’ve assembled it, you’ll either have an 8-page book or a 6-page book with front and back covers!
Once your one page book is made, fill it with stories, notes, or art. Join our monthly art journal challenge (and grab the free monthly guide!). Once you have the guide, print it out and fill the pages of your mini book with drawings, paintings, or collages inspired by the daily art inspiration. You might also like to follow the TinkerSketch art challenge on Instagram.