This week has been a mixture of outdoor summer fun and indoor (staying cool in the East-coast humidity) play. We kicked off the new Creative Table project on Instagram a couple weeks ago, and we have close to 100 inspiring photos of creative projects in action! Take a look at last week’s Creative Table images, and add your own by filling out this form or tagging us on Instagram.
Here are some of the things that inspired me this week…
Are you putting the Kibosh on Creativity?, Janet Lansbury
Listen to a recording of this week’s panel with Stephen Downes, Howard Gardner, Alfie Kohn, and Gary Stager as they talk about the need to reform the education reform movement
Creativity: What we can learn from Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, Forbes
Shaving Cream Bath Paint, The Chocolate Muffin Tree
Make Lavender-filled bags with kids, an early sewing project, Red Ted Art
60 Nature Play Ideas for Kids, The Imagination Tree
Reggio-inspired Block Corner for toddlers, An Everyday Story
DIY Magnetic Board, Teach Preschool
DIY Swiss Cheese Chalet, The Cardboard Collective
5 Inspiring Outdoor Play Spaces, from Childhood 101